Beginning of May in Vienna ウィーンの5月最初の日

In Austria, May starts with a public holiday. That is “May Day”. All shops are closed and public transport is reduced until noon. Also every year there ususally is a big demsonstration and parade in front of City Hall etc.. This year however, due to Coronavirus, everything has been cancelled. Today is an especially quiet May Day. I have a feeling that there is again a total lockdown taking place.

オーストリアは祭日で5月は始まります。「メイ デイ」です。全てのお店は閉まりますし、公共交通も昼頃まで減便されます。デモやパレードも市庁舎前などで行われますが、今年はコロナヴィールスのため不可能となりました。そのため、特別静かなメイ デイです。私は、完全ロックダウンの日々が戻ってきたかのような錯覚にとらわれています。

Picture by Yuka Simeno 2020 in Vienna

The last day of April 2020 2020年4月最後の日


April is coming to a close. April began with a total lockdown and starting from middle of the month there was some easing of restrictions. In May there will be further easing. Today was a beautiful day almost like an early celebration. Many people were at the parks, children were playing. It is wonderful to see. Such everyday scenes were not permitted until now. Now I feel how precious these “normal” days are. I hope that today’s picture will be a symbol for the future.


Picture by Yuka Simeno April 30th 2020 in Vienna

Easing 緩和

Finally we can eat ice cream outside! People are waiting while keeping their distance.

Lockdown has had clear effects and now Austria is gradually easing restrictions. Middle of May, restaurants will be allowed to open again. The damage to the economy is quite extensive and some experts believe that about 20 to 30% of restaurants in Vienna will go out of business. How much can the Austrian government help to rise again…? Also there is talk of a second wave of infections… I cannot do anything against it but I want to try to protect myself as best as I can.

良い成果が現れたので、オーストリアは、少しずつロックダウンを緩和しています。5月中旬にはレストランも開けていいそうです。しかし、経済のダメージは非常に大きく、ウィーンの約20から30パーセントのレストランはつぶれるであろう、という見解をしている専門家もいます。どのくらいオーストリア政府は経済を建て直すことができるでしょうか…? 第2波が来る、ということも言われています… しかし、私では、それらに対してなにもできないので、せめてできる限りの予防をこころがけなければ、と思います。

Finally we can relax in the park! Mozart is no longer lonely.
Vienna in full bloom.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno , End of April in Vienna 2020

Finally inside Burggarten !やっと王宮庭園の中に!

Starting this week on Tuesday(April 14th) all parks in Vienna opened their gates. For one month we could not enter Burggarten but today how happy we are to be there! But inside we must also keep distance from one another.


Zoom zoom zoom, busy bee… This year in April there was almost no rain and therefore many blossoms have no power to bloom… Bees however cannot lose any time!
ブンブンブン…熱心な蜂さん… この4月はほとんど雨が降らないので、お花がきれいに開けないみたい… それでも、蜂さんは大忙しです!
Finally the gate was opened and I am inside the park! Last week I took pictures of my standing position from outside stretching my hands through the gate….

Pictures by Yuka Simeno April 2020 at Burggarten, Vienna

Water is flowing!水が流れてます!

Finally some fountains in the city of Vienna have been turned on! Because the “lockdown” has produced a favourabale result, starting Tuesday there will be a slight easing of restrictions. All the parks will be opened. I look forward to it!


My favourite fountain at Hofburg
Fountain at Albertina
Hold on, guys!

Mask and a bank robber マスクと銀行強盗

Tomorrow will be the end of the third week of lockdown in Austria. The Austrian government changed course. Until recently it was forbidden to wear masks in public. Starting next Monday (April 6th) however, it is allowed to wear masks. At the entrance to supermarkets, masks are handed out and I received one. Surely my mother would be content seeing me wearing a mask since she always used to recommend it. Austria will domestically produce masks of high quality for medical staff. Right now the government is looking for experienced seamstresses to help with the production. Also they will produce mask cleaning devices domestically.

Although Austria makes a big effort for masks something unbelievable happened in Vienna. Someone robbed a bank and a customer whol tried to run away was shot and heavily injured. The robber fled the crime scene by bicycle. There were witnesses but because he was wearing a mask, he could not be visually identified. People live with restrictions and frustration because of Coronavirus and such a criminal act is terrible. Today, one day later, I still have not heard whether the perpetrator has been apprehended or not. I hope there will never be a bank robbery again.

国自体がロックダウンになって3週目が終わろうとしています。オーストリアでは、マスクが禁止されていましたが、政府が方針を変え、付けてもいいことになりました!月曜日(4月6日)から、スーパーの中ではマスクを付けて買い物をすることが義務となりました。大きなスーパーでは、早くも今週から入り口でマスクを配っています。私も1枚貰いました!母がこの私の姿を見たら、さぞ喜んだことでしょう。母はマスクを奨励していましたから。 また、医療従事の方々のマスクは、質の良いものの入手が困難だそうで、オーストリアはそれを自国で生産することにしました。今、裁縫に協力する人を募集しています。マスクを洗う機械も自国で生産するそうです。


Finally it is permitted to wear masks in Austria!  つににオーストリアでもマスク着用可!

Some years ago, the Austrian government made it illegal to wear masks in public with an “anti-concealment law”. Back then, the Chancellor now in office, together with a far-right party in a coalition government decided it. This was very difficult for Japanese residing in Austria and Japanese tourists. But finally the government allowed wearing masks in public! Today(March 30th) at a press conference at 11:00 the chancellor said that soon there will be masks handed out at the entrance to supermarkets and those masks must be worn inside!However the government stressed that this measure is to protect others. Also in this conference, i liked the speech of Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Green Party), which he started by addressing all people living in Austria. In contrast, the Chancellor started his speech with the words “Dear Austrians”. Many people from foreign countries live in Austria and especially in Vienna, where I live. I really hope that because of this crisis countries will help each other and I truly wish that hatred will not be directed towards foreigners.

数年前、オーストリア政府は覆面禁止法に基づき、マスクの着用を禁止しました。現在の首相と、当時政権を連立していた右派の政党によって作られた法律です。これは、日本人の観光客とオーストリア在住の日本人にとって、非常につらいことでした。しかし、やっと公共の場でマスクの着用が許されました!今日(3月30日)、午前11時の記者会見で、首相は、近日中に、スーパーマーケットの入り口で、マスクを無料で配るので、これを着用して買い物をするように、と述べました!ただし、政府は、マスクは他人にうつさないためで、自分への感染を防ぐためではない、という姿勢を保っています。また、この記者会見で、副首相のヴェルナー コーグラーさん(みどりの党)が、「オーストリアに住んでいる皆さん」と呼びかけて話し始めたことがとても嬉しかったです。首相は「オーストリア人よ」と呼びかけて話し始めました。オーストリアにはたくさんの外国人が住んでいます。特に、私が住んでいるウィーンに住む外国人は多いです。私は、この危機により、国々が協力しあうことを望みます。決して、外国への憎しみを強めたり、いがみあうようになってはいけないです。

Go go go! 歩け 歩け 歩け!

Go go go!Every day I go out for a walk through the city of Vienna for health. Walking slowly or resting on a bench is not advised by the government at this time. Often police cars and officers on foot are on patrol in the streets.

Public transport should also be avoided except for going to work etc.

Outside of your own living space, one should always keep a distance from others of at least one metre. Every day at a bakery I buy some bread or sandwich for lunch. In the afternoon I go out for a second short walk to go to a supermarket for groceries. Such necessary businesses are open and there is plenty of merchandise. Also inside the stores people keep their distance from each other. Since few are on the streets it is also like that inside the stores.

Schools are still closed but that does not mean there is a break. They have enough homework and most can do their studies via the internet. Those children who cannot be supervised at home can come to their schools and do the homework there.

Concerning domestic violence there is a telephone helpline which is always available for help. There has already been an increase of regstered calls of 50% compared to normal levels.

Since everybody is always at home, the utility bills such as electricity, water, etc. add up but if people cannot pay those bills right now, those services will continue regardless.

On TV there are spots to help recruit people to help with the harvest because foreign workers must return to their country and there is a labour shortage right now. There are also TV spots for thanking those who are on duty right now such as sales assistants, doctors, police officers etc.

Those Austrians still abroad were called on by the government to return to Austria as soon as possible.

In my opinion the measures taken by the Austrian government against the spreading of Coronavirus quite good. I get a feeling that Austria as a country does indeed protect its citizens and inhabitants. “Whatever the cost” is something the Austrian government has promised and is actively trying to pursue. At this time I have quite a positive impression of the government and I hope they will succeed.

歩け 歩け 歩け!毎日、私はウィーンの街の中を、健康のため早足で歩きます。今のところ、のんびり歩いたり、ベンチに腰掛けて憩うことは、政府によって禁じられています。よく、警察の車が巡回したり、警官が徒歩で見回っています。









More candles have been lit at Plague Memorial. ろうそくの数が増えてます。   Picture by Yuka Simeno, March 27th 2020 in Vienna