Cold Moon in Vienna ウイーンのコールドムーン

Today is the 30th of December. I heard that a full moon in December is called “Cold Moon”. When I took this picture, an elder pedestrian spoke to me and said “You may make a wish”. We all wished each other a wonderful New Year and good luck and parted ways. I found this short conversation quite nice and pleasant.

Always when I see the moon, I get a feeling that I want to talk to it. This feeling is maybe not only my own. The moon is always so close to us and seems so familiar. I find it somehow filled with meaning that we are able to see such a beautiful moon at the end of the year. I find it especially mystic … From my mouth the following words flowed spontaneously “Thank you, moon. Stay with us please forever…”


 お月様が出ているのを見ると、私はいつも月に話しかけたくなります。きっとこんな気持ちになるのは私ひとりではないと思います。お月様はいつも私たちの傍にいるので、親しみを感じます。1年の終わりにこのような美しい月を見ることができるのは、何か意味がありそうに思います。とても神秘的… 思わず私は呟きます「ありがとう、お月様。いつまでも私たちの傍にいてね…」。

Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 30th 2020 in Vienna

Moon over Mariahilfer church at the end of the year 2020 2020年師走のマリアヒルフ教会とお月さま

Yesterday (December 26th) I finally saw at least a partially blue sky. Since for along time in Vienna there were cloudy and dark skies I was very happy about that. In the evening I went for a walk on Mariahilferstrasse. The air was cold and dry. Suddenly I noticed the moon above the church in the sky. The weather improved and the moon was clearly visible. Normally here is one location of Christmas markets in Vienna with many visitors. This year however, Mr. Haydn in front of the church must have felt somewhat lonely. Right now there should still be a small market in front of the church selling New Year charms to give to other people. This year however everything was cancelled.

One night passed and one day later the weather has improved even more. There is even sunlight and a blue sky. How much I have missed it! But the weather forecast however says this will sadly not last long. That’s why I will go for a walk soon and enjoy this blessing.


 一夜明けて今朝は更にいいお天気。青空が広がり、お日様の光が溢れています。どれほど待ち望んでいたことか! しかし予報では、またお天気は下り坂とのこと。ですからこれから散歩に出かけて、束の間の賜物を楽しみたいと思います。

Picture by Yuka Simeno,. December 26th 2020 on Mariahilferstrasse in Vienna

Oh my dear sweet corn! 愛しのスイートコーン!

My mother made a jacket for me because it has gotten so cold. Bad boys however called it “corn!”. How annoying! This remains a secret toweards my mother because she will be sad…


Pictures by Yuka Simeno of handmade doll “Shadi”, December 20202 in Vienna

Switched on! Vienna Christmas illumination 灯りました!ウイーンのクリスマスの照明

From the small street where I live to the big shopping street Mariahilferstrasse, I suddenly noticed that it was so bright. I looked up and saw that the Christmas illuminations had been switched on! Oh how I had waited for this! How bright and beautiful! There were many other people taking pictures of it. Everyone had been waiting for it. In this difficult time filled with restrictions and bad news I feel as though these lights also illuminate my heart. I noticed that tears flowed from my eyes and it was not due to the cold wind…


Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 4th 2020 at Mariahilferstrasse Vienna

Snow locking down Vienna 雪にロックダウンされたウイーンの街

Yesterday (December 3rd) when I opened the curtains of my window, I was surprised to see that it had snowed. The roof of the neighbouring house was all white! Still it was snowing a little bit more. I love Vienna in the snow but this time I could not be entirely happy about it. Snow in Vienna during the time before Christmas I find special because it creates a unique atmosphere. Especially Christmas markets in snow are so pretty. Getting hot wine or punch and enjoying it in the cold while warming up with it. That is a specialty in Vienna and together with snow it is more enjoyable. This year however all Christmas markets have been cancelled! How sad. The last couple of years it was rare to get snow during that time and then right now it did snow.

I heard that yesterday there was snow not only in Vienna but in fact the entire country, which is quite rare. If there is a lot of snow in the mountains, it is lovely to go skiing. The last couple of years, those regions as well did not have enough snow. And now it is snowing even though tourists cannot come to Austria easily. I find that somewhat ironic.

But starting today in Vienna it will get a little warmer every day and the snow will not stay for a long time. Presumably Monday the snow will be barely visible and the city can defrost a little bit from lockdown! Because the infection numbers came down a bit, the Austrian government decided on lifting some restrictions. With all my heart I hope that this time will end soon.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 3rd 2020 in Vienna

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Dezember 2020 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 12月

Hello, I am Shadi. Today my friend invited me to bake Christmas cookies together. My mother made an apron and some new clothes for me. Sewing is not Mom’s strong point and I am so small. She says it was very hard to do. Next, mom will knit a sweater for me. I look forward to it! こんにちは!シャディです。今日はお友達のおうちで一緒にクリスマスのクッキーを焼くの。それで、お母さんが今日のためにエプロンと新しいお洋服を作ってくれたんだ。でも、お母さんはお裁縫が苦手だし、シャディはちっちゃいから、とても大変だったって。次はセーターも編んでくれるって。楽しみだな。

For going out.お出かけ着
Shadi with homewear.ホームウエアのシャディ

She is one member of “Klasse kunterbunt”. They are a series of small dolls, all have simple clothes and bare feet. Many mixed races . I made them with the wish for all children to be treated equally and to be happy. この子は、「色とりどり組」のメンバーです。みんな小さな人形で、簡素な服で裸足です。いろんな人種の人形達。全ての子供達が平等で、幸せでありますように、という願いを込めて作りました。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, 2020