Vienna has finally been blessed with good weather. Every day it is quite stable with about 21degrees daytime maximum. Last weekend however the temperature climbed much higher to almost early Summer levels. At Burggarten Vienna there were many people sunbathing with some even wearing bathing suits. Here I will show some pictures from May 21st.

Volksgarten, chestnut trees. Surely nice to jog here. フォルクスガルテン(民衆庭園)のカスタニエの木々。ここでジョギングすると気持ちいいでしょうね。

Cool shade under trees 涼しい影は木からの贈り物

Beautiful gradation of overlapping leaves 重なり合う葉の色の濃淡が美しい

Cute pinecone children かわいいボックリの赤ちゃんたち

Austrian President’s office オーストリア首相のオフィス

Some roses at Volksgarten are in full bloom フォルクスガルテン(民衆庭園)の薔薇の中には、既に満開のものもありました

Empress Sisi and a duck in safety, because there is a barrier and people are not allowed to enter, which the duck seems to know and enjoy シィシィと鴨。ここは立ち入り禁止になっていることを鴨は知っているようで、悠々とのんびりしているようです。

Opposite the statue of Empress Sisi シィシィと向かい合っている私。

Zanoni frozen Yoghurt is very refreshing ザノーニのフローズンヨーグルトを食べて、気分もさっぱり爽やかに

Flowebed in front of “Haus der Begegnung” in the 6th district. So wonderful!ウィーン6区の公民館前の花壇。何て美しいのでしょう!
Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the one showing myself), May 21st 2023 in Vienna
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