“Schlechtes Wetter” by Richard Strauss 、R・シュトラウス作曲「悪いお天気」

I uploaded a new video to YouTube. The title is “Schlechtes Wetter” (Bad weather). Composer: Richard Strauss, Lyrics: Heinrich Heine, Recorded September 2022 in Vienna, Very famous Lied.

The poet Heinrich Heine is looking through the window and sees the shape of a lady walking in bad weather. Through this almost meaningless everyday observation, the poet unfolds his imagination and guides us to a warm room where her daughter awaits her arrival. The mother wants to bake a cake for her and just went shopping for groceries. That may only be his imagination but the listener’s heart is also warmed. His positive warm-hearted imagination envelops our hearts.


 詩人ハイネは、窓から悪いお天気の中、よろめきながら歩く一人の女性の姿を見ています。この、何気ない日常の小さな光景から、彼の想像の翼は大きく広がり、暖かな部屋でこの女性を待っている娘へと導きます。きっとあの女性はこの娘にお菓子を焼くために買い物に出かけたのだ・・・ 詩人の想像にすぎないのですが、私達も微笑ましい気持ちになります。彼の肯定的な想像に、私達の心も温かく包まれるようです。

Picture by Yuka Simeno. Taken through a kaleidoscope handmade by Yuka Simeno.

Donde lieta uscì from La Bohème 「ミミの別れの歌」オペラ「ラ・ボエーム」より

This is my new YouTube video. Aria of Mimì “Donde lieta uscì” from the opera “La Bohème” by Giacomo Puccini.

Mimì, who noticed that her beloved Rodolfo treated her quite harshly, by chance listened to a conversation betweeen him and a friend. He told his friend that Mimì was terminally ill. She needs a doctor but the poor poet Rodolfo cannot afford to pay for one. He says that love by itself cannot cure an illness. He pretends not to love her and hopes she can find a better rich man for her. Mimì was shocked that her illness was indeed so severe that she was overwhelmed by emotions, started crying and a severe cough brought on by tuberculosis emerges. In this moment Rodolfo notices her presence and runs to her. She calms down and starts singing this aria. She will leave him but if he wants, he should only keep the pink cap, which he gave her when they met, as a token of their love. Without any ill will they separate.

Conductor: Anton Guadagno (1925-2002), a great Italian conductor. Radio Symphony Orchestra Krakow. Recorded 1998.



アントン・グアダーニョ(1925-2002) 指揮  イタリアの大指揮者です。  ラディオシィンフォニーオーケストラ クラカウ 、1998年 ポーランド録音