Finally inside Burggarten !やっと王宮庭園の中に!

Starting this week on Tuesday(April 14th) all parks in Vienna opened their gates. For one month we could not enter Burggarten but today how happy we are to be there! But inside we must also keep distance from one another.


Zoom zoom zoom, busy bee… This year in April there was almost no rain and therefore many blossoms have no power to bloom… Bees however cannot lose any time!
ブンブンブン…熱心な蜂さん… この4月はほとんど雨が降らないので、お花がきれいに開けないみたい… それでも、蜂さんは大忙しです!
Finally the gate was opened and I am inside the park! Last week I took pictures of my standing position from outside stretching my hands through the gate….

Pictures by Yuka Simeno April 2020 at Burggarten, Vienna