Mask and a bank robber マスクと銀行強盗

Tomorrow will be the end of the third week of lockdown in Austria. The Austrian government changed course. Until recently it was forbidden to wear masks in public. Starting next Monday (April 6th) however, it is allowed to wear masks. At the entrance to supermarkets, masks are handed out and I received one. Surely my mother would be content seeing me wearing a mask since she always used to recommend it. Austria will domestically produce masks of high quality for medical staff. Right now the government is looking for experienced seamstresses to help with the production. Also they will produce mask cleaning devices domestically.

Although Austria makes a big effort for masks something unbelievable happened in Vienna. Someone robbed a bank and a customer whol tried to run away was shot and heavily injured. The robber fled the crime scene by bicycle. There were witnesses but because he was wearing a mask, he could not be visually identified. People live with restrictions and frustration because of Coronavirus and such a criminal act is terrible. Today, one day later, I still have not heard whether the perpetrator has been apprehended or not. I hope there will never be a bank robbery again.

国自体がロックダウンになって3週目が終わろうとしています。オーストリアでは、マスクが禁止されていましたが、政府が方針を変え、付けてもいいことになりました!月曜日(4月6日)から、スーパーの中ではマスクを付けて買い物をすることが義務となりました。大きなスーパーでは、早くも今週から入り口でマスクを配っています。私も1枚貰いました!母がこの私の姿を見たら、さぞ喜んだことでしょう。母はマスクを奨励していましたから。 また、医療従事の方々のマスクは、質の良いものの入手が困難だそうで、オーストリアはそれを自国で生産することにしました。今、裁縫に協力する人を募集しています。マスクを洗う機械も自国で生産するそうです。
