Gabiano ガビアーノ

I went to  Italy again to have voice lessons. This time I stayed in the town of Gabiano in the region of Piemonte, which is quite close to where my teacher lives. As you can see in this picture, the landscape is quite beautiful. To the North you can see the Alps and the curvy and glistening river “Po”. In the evening I saw many more stars than in Vienna and I could be inspired  by nature and could recharge my soul. It has gotten much warmer, during daytime it was almost 20 degrees. One time in my room when I was resting during the day, maybe because of the good weather, I heard many different kinds of birds chirping , somewhere there were house dogs barking, churchbells were ringing every 30 minutes. This is something I cannot experience in Vienna, where I am living, and I find it pleasant.            Then I remembered that in Austria somebody filed a lawsuit against a church, because in his estimation the useless and bothering ringing of churchbells during the night should be stopped so people could sleep in peace. I do not know how that lawsuit turned out. In Gabiano I really heard the churchbell ring every 30 minutes also during nighttime  but it did not bother me. This was even quite pleasant. Of course it depends on how close you live to the church but in Gabiano I feel that all sounds melt into nature and breathe. Maybe the town in Austria is now modern with many houses unlike before, and between the houses there might be a strong echo of the churchbells. In Gabiano it seems that the churchbells sound free, wide and beautiful. I could enjoy beautiful nature and imagine a time gone by with horse carriages. I got a feeling that my soul could be replenished.

また歌のレッスンを受けに、イタリアに行っていました。今回は、先生の住んでいらっしゃる街に比較的近い、ピエモンテのガビアーノというところに宿泊しました。この写真のように、風景のとても美しいところです。遠く北側にアルプス山脈が聳え、大きくうねるポー河が輝いています。夜空は、ウィーンよりたくさんの星が輝き、私は自然の中で癒されるように感じました。日中は随分暖かくなり、20度近くにもなりました。昼間、部屋で休んでいた時、暖かさに誘われてか、いろんな種類の鳥がいっせいにさえずり、どこかで番犬たちが吠え、教会の鐘が30分おきに鳴るのが聞こえていました。このようなことは私の住むウィーンの街中では体験できないので、とても喜ばしく思いました。  ふと、そういえば、オーストリアのどこかで、30分おきに鳴る教会の鐘が、夜中はうるさく感じられ、よく眠れない、として、ある住民が教会を訴えたことが、近年ありました。裁判の判決はどのようになったのでしょう。ここ、ガビアーノの教会も、夜中も半時間ごとに鳴るのが聞こえましたが、私はさほど気になりませんでした。それどころか、心地よくも感じました。もちろん、どれだけ教会の近くに住んでいるかにもよるのでしょうけれど、ガビアーノでは、全ての音が自然に溶け込み、息をしているかのように感じるのです。オーストリアの街では、昔と違って、近代的に家がたくさん建ち、家と家の間を、教会の鐘の音が複雑に大きく反響しているのかも知れません。ガビアーノの教会の鐘の音は、自由に広がりながら美しく響き渡っているようです。私は、ここを馬車が行き交っていた時代を想像したりして、美しい自然を楽しむことができました。心が満たされるように思いました。

Picture by Yuka Simeno , Gabiano , Italy  2019

Thinking about others 他の人を考える

My father was a teacher at a high school, his subject was Japanese and world history, economics, geography, ethics, politics, etc.   He used to study diligently even at home and he read many books. Many of his thoughts revolved around other people and his relatives. He really wanted to help others, and the motivation for that was pure and came from within. A huge problem was that we as a family had to do all of that with him together. But because of that I know very well that he cherished the human value. He wanted to think about others in a pure way and tried not to be like those who say polite or tender things but in their hearts did not actually think like it, only had their own advantage in mind, talk bad about others, etc.  When I think about it, I see that in a way my father was very honest, of which I am proud. To me, regarding this point my father is one kind of figure of an “ideal teacher”.


A glass door and a cat ガラス戸と猫

A long time ago in our house in Japan, a streetcat often came to us and stayed some time. In this house there is a transparent glass sliding door separating two rooms. One time there was a loud noise which could be heard in the whole house. The cat  wanted to go through and without noticing that the door was closed, he hit his head with full force. I was shocked and loudly  said “Are you ok?”. Then the cat looked embarrassed and he lowered and tilted his head as  if to say “I am ok, do not exaggerate!”. I opened the glass door and he carefully passed through it. With this experience he learned that sometimes there could  be an invisible obstacle and ever since he always used his forehead to test whether there was indeed an obstacle and then slowly passed through.    One day, the other side of the glass door was dark. The cat wanted to go through but saw his own reflection in the glass door. Being white, he could surely see his own bright silhoutte reflecting in the glass door. He was shocked  because it seemed there was another cat present and so he moved back as if to evade it. I saw him in this moment but without saying anything, in order not to hurt his pride, I opened the glass door. Scared and cautious, he checked out the other room and was relieved that there was nothing there.     Are cats able to recognize their own reflection in glass? I would like to know whether it is a reflection of themselves.

昔、日本の我が家に野良猫が上がってきて、よく、くつろいでいた時がありました。この家には、透明のガラス製引き戸が、ふたつの部屋を仕切っている部分があります。ある日、ドーンと、家中を揺るがすような大きな音が響き渡りました。猫が、この引き戸が閉まっていることに気がつかず、体当たりしてしまった音でした。私がびっくりして、「大丈夫?!」と大声をあげると、猫は照れくさそうに伏し目がちに頭を斜め下にかしげ、「大丈夫だよ。まったく、あんた、大げさなんだヨ…」と言っているかのようでした。戸を開けると、猫は、注意を払いながら向こう側へ歩いて行きました。この経験により、猫は、時々、この部分には、見えない障害物がある、と学んだようです。それ以来、いつもここを通る時は、まず、額を突き出し、障害物に触れるかどうか確かめてから、注意深く踏み出していました。  ある日、この引き戸の向こう側が真っ暗の時、猫がここを通ろうとしました。ところが、ガラスに猫自身の姿が反映されていたので、びっくり仰天。白い猫だったので、闇の中にくっきりと映っていたのでしょう。他の猫がいると思ってか、警戒し、後ずさりしていました。私は、猫のプライドを傷つけては気の毒だと思い、何も言わずに戸をそっと開けると、猫は向こう側を注意深く見渡した後、「なあんだ」と安堵して通って行きました。  猫は、ガラスが反映することを認識できるのでしょうか。自分自身が映っていると分かっているかどうか、知りたいものです。

Picture by Sachiko Komatsu , Bubi (The cat in this story) and I

My favourite illusions (4)Lava lamp ちょっと不思議 (4) ラーヴァ ランプ

Yes, those are regular containers of salt and pepper. They are made of transparent and hard material but to my eyes, because of light refraction etc., it looks soft. Although there is coarse salt and pepper inside, it looks like lava. I think it is beautiful. Ordinary objects, when viewed up close, provide unexpected effects. That is good to find and is often entertaining.

そう、これは塩と胡椒の入った容器です。透明の硬い素材でできているのに、私の目には、光の屈折などのため、柔らかいように見えるのです。また、中には粗い粒状の塩と胡椒が入っているのに、まるで液体のように見え、昔流行ったラーヴァ ランプを連想します。身近な親しみのある物体も、よく見てみると、時に、思いがけない効果があることがありますよね。それを見つけるのは楽しく、よく、面白く眺めてしまいます。

Picture by Yuka Simeno , 2019

My favourite illusions (2) Streetcar in pieces ちょっと不思議 (2) 市電を切断!

Here you see a Vienna streetcar in motion, which is mysteriously cut into pieces. Please do not worry, it is only an illusion. Mirrors at a right angle on both sides of the window produce this optical effect.


Picture by Yuka Simeno , Vienna 2010

My favourite illusions (1) ちょっと不思議(1)

I love glass and mirrors. Because of reflections, optical illusions etc. they display a multitude of beauty. As though they invite us to another dimension, mystic, magical….  This picture I shot yesterday in a building in Vienna. Each piece of glass has cut edges and therefore makes the background appear interesting.

私はガラスや鏡が大好きです。反映や視覚的幻影など、多様な美しさがあるからです。まるで他の次元に誘っているかのようで、神秘的、不思議…       上の写真は、ウィーンの建物の中で、昨日、撮ったものです。全てのガラスは、縁にカットが施されており、向こう側が面白く見えます。

Picture by Yuka Simeno , Vienna 2019

Barana ? バラナ?

When I was very young, I always used to say “Barana” instead of “Banana”. One day I noticed that everyone was calling it “Banana” and when I understood that it was really actually called “Banana” I was very shocked. I thought “Why did nobody ever correct me? I always said Barana, how embarrassing!”. Maybe people thought that since I was so young it did not matter that I mispronounced it. However the shock for me was so great and I had a feeling that adults could not be trusted. For me, that was a “betrayal”. Maybe that was a phase in terms of children’s psychology which held some meaning. Also adults did not want to deceive me, now I think that it is  not easy to teach a child something. If one asks too much and precision of children, that might be too much for them. Right timing and right amount in terms of teaching children is difficult I suppose.

When I was about 18 years old, during harmless gossip with some friends, one of them said “Temochi butasa”. Another one noticed and said “That is actually called “Temochi busata”. However the one who mispronounced it, could not believe it because all her life up to that point she had always said “Temochi butasa” and nobody ever corrected her. We could see this was a huge shock to her and she was really discouraged. In Japanese “Temochi busata” means being in a state of boredom without something to do. Her mistake “Temochi butasa” included “Buta”, which means pig. I can imagine how ashamed she felt. Growing older, it is difficult to correct other people’s mistakes, because  of politeness and thinking about their feelings. I think if social circumstances etc. permit it, then choosing good timing and conveying the correct expression in a tender manner could be better.

Picture by Yuka Simeno, This is my favourite gorilla “Chocomuffin (but I call her “Gorichan”)” with my handmade  doll “Laura”.



撮影 示野由佳 、大好きなゴリラ「チョコマフィン(ちょっと長いので、いつもつい、ゴリちゃんと呼んでしまいます)」と私が作った人形「ローラ」

Face to face 向き合う

There is an American TV series called “Criminal Minds”. This series has been on TV in Austria for a long time and I think it can be seen in many other countires as well. The big difference between this and other fictional crime series is that the investigators include behavioural psychology in their investigations. The investigative team consists of FBI profilers, who analyze and study psyche, actions, behaviour, etc. .  Especially often it is shown that they try to persuade the perpetrators by touching their psyche to give up and let themselves be arrested. They often say “I understand you, I have also experienced this”. If the perpetrators hear this, they think that they are not alone and that there is someone who understands them, which makes them surrender (that is of course a fictional story).             Somehow I understand that kind of psyche.                When I want to be close to someone, I also say “You are not alone, I also experienced this” and with this I think I want to try and express my compassion. Also when I am sad and someone says this to me, it often feels good.   However that is not always and not for everyone.          An acquaintance of mine was involved in a car accident, which was not his fault. For the first time he was in a hospital and in great pain. Unfortunately I did not know about this and I only learned about it after he was released from the hospital.  I had the opportunity to see him and he told me about his stay in the hospital. He said it was unnerving when people said that they also had experienced this. In the beginning I did not understand what he meant. I thought just as the profilers in “Criminal Minds” it would help to show compassion. But after much thought I think I finally understood  what he felt. Maybe sometimes if someone says “I too…” it looks like others do not really recognize that person’s pain or problem but in fact steer the topic in a different direction. Furthermore  it is possible that there exist cases such as the listener interpreting the pain or problem as not so severe and insinuating that those people should not complain and hold on.      Furthermore, a scene of “Criminal Minds” which I can associate with real life is for example a case such as someone having problems with their child asking “Do you have children?”. If not they say “Well then you cannot understand me”. In this case the person who asks constructed a wall in their heart which a person whithout children cannot overcome. This  leaves no chance for others to extend their hand and help.

Such things exist not only with physiological or psychological pain or problems, but indeed I think they exist in many different situations in life. It is very important to confront others and not to steer the conversation, not to construct a wall, and try to be face to face. Depending on the situation or the case, that may be difficult but still should be appreciated and tried with patience.

アメリカのテレヴィシリーズに「クリミネル マインズ(Criminal minds)」というのがあります。オーストリアでは、ずいぶん前から放映されていますし、世界中、たくさんの国で観ることができるのではないかと思います。このシリーズと、他のフィクションの犯罪テレヴィシリーズの大きな違いは、犯罪者の心理などを考慮して捜査を進める点です。この捜査班は、FBIのプロファイラーで、人間の心理や、行動や育ちなどを勉強した人たちで構成されています。よく、犯人の心理に入っていくような説得をして、降参させ、逮捕する場面があります。彼らは「あなたの気持ちがわかります。私も同じ経験をしました。…」と言うことがよくあります。これを聞くと犯人は、自分だけではないのだ、自分を理解してくれる人がいるんだ、と思い、おとなしく逮捕させるようになるのです(もちろん、フィクションの物語の中ですが)。何となく、この心理は私もわかるような気がします。         私も、誰かを慰めたい時など、「あなたひとりじゃないのよ。私にも同じような経験があるわ。」と言うことがあります。きっと、「同情」を表現したいのだと思います。また、誰かが私に対して同じような言葉をくれた時は、とても心地よく感じます。しかし、このような表現は、いつでも、誰に対しても良いということはないようです。   知人が、ご自分に過失がない交通事故に巻き込まれました。彼は生まれて初めての入院を経験し、ひどい痛みに苦しんだそうです。私は全くそのことを知らず、知人が退院をなさってからお目にかかる機会を得、話を伺いました。それによると、入院中とても気に障ったのは、お見舞いの人達から、自分も同じ経験をした、と言われることだったそうです。しかし私は、なぜ知人がそのように感じたのか、理解に苦しみました。「クリミネル マインズ」のプロファイラーがするように、「同情」を示すのはいいことだ、とばかり思っていたのです。私は長く考えた末、知人のおっしゃったことが、やっと理解できたような気がしてきました。多分、「私も…」と言うことによって、相手の痛みや問題に向き合わず、焦点を違うところに持っていくような印象を与えることがあるからではないでしょうか。その上、場合によっては、その痛みや問題は大したことではない、苦情を言わず、がまんしろ、と示唆されているように受けとめられるかも知れません。   また、この他、実際の人生で「クリミネル マインズ」の場面を思い起こすと私が思うのは、例えば、自分の子供のことで困っている人が、他の人に「あなたは子供がありますか?」と聞くような時です。相手が「いいえ」と答えると、「それじゃ、あなたには分かりませんね。」と言って、心の中に壁を作ってしまうような場合です。これでは、相手が手を差し伸べることは難しいと思います。


Picture by Yuka Simeno


Familiar smell 懐かしい香り

Today, together with some friends, I had Chinese soup fondue. This was at the restaurant “Pak Choi” (formerly known as Yang Haus) in the 6th district of Vienna. Here I sometimes meet my friends. Starting about three months ago, this Chinese soup fondue also became available to order. The owner Mr. Yang told us about it and that he wanted to make this dish better known. Also in Japan it is very common to eat soup fondue in winter but I had not tried Chinese style before. Therefore I voluntarily ordered it and ate it together with my friends. It was quite delicious and since that time we meet about once a month to enjoy it together. China is so huge and  I presume  there are different types of soup fondue. But at this restaurant it is mostly very similar to the pictures above. We Japanese find it interesting that the pot is divided in two halves in order to enjoy two different tastes of soup. In Japan usually at the very end people add rice or noodles but Mr. Yang said that in China people do not do that. We had the idea that at the end we order some rice, pour some of the remaining soup  in the fondue pot on it and eat it like Japanese “Ochazuke”.    When I ate it I noticed some familiar smell, I felt happy and in order to revive that thought I had to think about it.   I remembered it when we put all of the ingredients from the plate in the soup, also the pieces of cucumber and shrimp. I thought that is it! In my hometown Kochi there is a clear soup with cucumber and shrimp.  The smell is very similar to the one from the Chinese fondue and I associated them. My grandmother often cooked that soup. While eating Chinese, this smell gives me a longing for home.         We enjoyed and ate all of it and talked about coming back next month.

(Should you decide to try the soup fondue at “Pak Choi”, it is by reservation and evening only. Monday the restaurant is closed.)

今夜は、友人たちと一緒に中華の鍋料理を食べました。ウィーン6区にある「パク チョイ(以前は「ヤンハウス」という店名)」という中華料理店です。友人たちと会う時、よく利用しています。この店では、約3ヶ月ほど前から、中華の鍋料理も出すようになりました。店長のヤンさんのお薦めです。日本でも冬に鍋料理はよくしますが、中華のはまだ食べたことがありませんでした。早速、友人たちと試してみました。すごくおいしくて、それ以来、月に一度、皆んなで集まって食べるようになりました。中国はとても大きな国なので、いろんなタイプの鍋料理があるのではないかと思います。このレストランの鍋料理は、大体いつも上の写真のような感じです。私たち日本人がとても面白く思うのは、お鍋が真ん中で仕切られていて、二通りの味が楽しめる点です。また、日本では、鍋料理の最後に、ごはんやおうどんを入れることが多いですが、ヤンさんがおっしゃるには、中国ではそれはしないそうです。それで、私たちは、最後にお鍋の中に残ったスープをご飯にかけ、お茶漬けのようにして食べることにしました。それを食べようとした時、私は「あっ」と、とても懐かしい香りに気がついて、嬉しくなりました。少しの間、それが何の香りか分からず、記憶を呼び覚まそうと、一生懸命考えました。材料の乗ったお皿の、全ての具をお鍋の中に入れたのですが、その中にエビときゅうりがあったことを思い出し、「これだ!」とピンときました。私の故郷、高知の郷土料理に、「エビときゅうりのすまし汁」があります。私はこのすまし汁の香りを連想したのです。よく、祖母が作ってくれたものです。私は、胸いっぱい懐かしい香りを吸い込みながら、中華スープのお茶漬けを食べ、郷愁に浸りました。  今日も皆んなでおいしくお鍋をいただいて、また来月も食べに来ようね、と約束しました。


Picture by Yuka Simeno