Expressing something 表現すること

When I was a small child, even before I started really talking, I often drew things on paper with a pencil. Those could not really be called drawings but I wanted to draw any kind of shape. That was only a child’s drawing but I was so enthusiastic and happy that I could draw something on paper. Fortunately I always had enough pencils and paper so whenever something came to mind I could draw it, which made me very happy. I think in general I still like to express something. I have a feeling that expressing something is quite important to me and when I think back on those days I feel grateful for my parents that I always received pencils and paper.

まだ言葉もあまり喋れないとても小さかった頃、私は画用紙に鉛筆で何かの形を描くことが好きでした。いえ、とても「描く」うちには入らない、ただの子供の落書きにすぎませんでしたが…  夢中で描いている時が私は大好きでした。あの頃、「描きたい」という気持ちはいつでもどこでも起こりました。成長と共にこの欲求はいろいろ姿を変えて、次々と起こり、今に至っています。私にとって、何らかの形で表現することは、とても大切であるようです。小さかった頃を思いだす度、私に十分、画用紙と鉛筆を与えてくれた両親に、感謝の気持ちが湧きあがります。

“Seijinshiki (Coming of age ceremony)” 成人式

In Japan now is the season of “Seijinshiki”. That is a ceremony of those young people reaching the age of 20. Their coming of age is celebrated and there are many offical parties. Those young people dress up with Kimonos, Hakama etc. and they celebrate there. It is a Japanese tradition. When I was that age, I did not attend such a ceremony. Previously in a blog post I had mentioned that I am a rather slow person and therefore I thought at that time that I was not fully grown up. I still feel like that so the decision back then seems to have been correct. However I will try my best at some point in my life to have my own “Seijinshiki”…

日本は成人式の季節ですね。成人された皆様、おめでとうございます! さて、私は、といいますと、実は自分の成人式に参加しませんでした。このブログでも書きましたが、私は「のろん(のろまなので、小学生の頃、付けられたあだ名)」ですから、当時、成人したという自覚が持てなかったためです。しかし、少しずつですが、努力を続け、歩んでいくつもりです。死ぬまでには、私の個人的な「成人式」ができればいいなあ、と思います…

Picture by Yuka Simeno 2020

No matter where I sing a concert どこのコンサートで歌っても

Personally I do not differentiate in terms of program according to the location of a concert. Of course the program and the concept should be suited to the occasion but that program can be performed in other venues as well. For each and every concert I want to give it my best.


The calm before the storm 嵐の前の静けさ

Soon there will be New Year’s Eve. Now I am at home and I feel some tension like a tingling sensation in the cold calm. Slowly the excitement increases and exactly at midnight on New Year’s Eve the expression of joy of Viennese people will explode. In the cold winter’s night many thousands of rockets will explode and illuminate the sky. In the city centre so many people gather and those staying at home will offer a toast with their glasses. This is one typical expressions of New Year festivity in many countries.   When I experienced this in Vienna for the first time, I was shocked. There was another Japanese living in the same building as I and she said that she had never experienced New Year’s Eve in the city and so she said “Let’s go there together”. There was a crowd of people and we were so excited together waiting for midnight. But when that time finally came, there was loud noise everywhere, rockets were flying and also between people there were explosions. Rockets are fired in the air but also many people just throw firecrackers at the feet of people. Since there are so many people it is impossible to leave. Because of loud explosions, my ears were almost deaf. Both of us decided to never do it again.   Ever since that time,when I am in Vienna I celebrate New Year’s Eve calmly at home in warmth, listening to the explosions outside of my window.

In Japan on the other hand, people celebrate New Year’s Eve calmly and quietly. There is a religious background to this. At midnight, for the transition to the New Year, temple bells ring 108 times. In Buddhism it is taught that humans have 108 Bonnō (illusions, deceptions). Listening to the temple bells means contemplating and accepting our Bonnō, and thus having motivation for starting the New Year. This tradition should be preserved.

もうすぐ大晦日。今、私は家の中で、戸外の凍てつく冷気に漂うわくわくとした気分を感じています。だんだん緊張は高まっていき、新年に変わる0時にウィーンの人々は喜びに大爆発するのです。数えきれない花火があがり、冷たい冬の夜空を彩ります。中心街は人でごったがえし、他の人は家の中で乾杯します。これが、たくさんの国に共通する新年を祝う表現のひとつでしょう。  ウィーンで初めてこれを体験した時、私は本当にびっくりしました。当時、同じアパートに住んでいた日本人留学生が、一度も年明けをウィーンの中心街で過ごしたことがないから行ってみたい、と私を誘ったのです。いざ、大晦日の夜遅く出かけてみると、中心街はすでに人があふれていて、私たちはひしめく雑踏のなかで期待に胸をときめかせて日付が変わるのを待ちました。いよいよその時がきた瞬間、凄まじい破裂音がいたるところで鳴り響き、私は嬉しいどころか、恐怖に苛まれました。頭上だけでなく、足下でも火花が飛び散り、爆音の連続に、鼓膜が破れそうです。逃げようにも、人が多すぎて身動きがとれません。正直言って、生命の危険を感じました。私たちは震えながら、もう2度と再びこれはするまい、と心に決めたものです。 それ以来、私はウィーンで新年を迎える時は、暖かい家の中で、窓の外の大騒動を聞きながら、ゆっくり過ごすことにしています。


Picture by Yuka Simeno Vienna, December 2019

Ordinary people(Ippanjin)? 一般人?

For a long time I have been living in Austria, more than half of my life. Sometimes I travel to Japan so I am in continuos contact with my home country. However because I am not living in Japan full time, sometimes the “Zeitgeist” or trendy things are often unknown to me. It is often quite interesting that when I do arrive in Japan, the experience is sometimes fresh and informative. Sadly, that is not only wonderful. One example of this is “Ippanjin (ordinary people)”. People who appear on TV, and are featured prominently on mass media are referred to as “famous” or are referred to by their professsion. All other people are referred to as “ippanjin (ordinary people)”. As an example, they report that actress A got married to an “Ippanjin(ordinary man)”. That is shocking to me because I can hardly imagine the media in Austria reporting in such a manner. Since when have those discriminations been used in Japan? I know that the description “ippan (ordinary)” as opposed to group is often used for example at the entrance of sights. That has been around for a long time but that I can understand. However I find the media’s expression of human beings as “Ippanjin(ordinary people)” shocking. It is also shocking how insensitive Japanese people are in the use of language and people do not even protest against that. Each and every human being is of the same value, no matter the occupation or even without one.

オーストリアに住み始めてかなり長くになります。人生の半分以上はこちらです。しかし、ほぼ1年に1回は日本に帰るので、強いカルチャーショックにみまわれることはあまりありません。しかし、日本の流行や最新の情報にはかなり疎いです。日本に帰る度に、それを知ることが新鮮な喜びや驚きで、面白いです。しかし、中には、残念だと思うことや、良くないと思えることもあります。そのひとつが「一般人」という報道の仕方です。  テレヴィに出ていたり、話題になっている人を「有名人」や職種で呼び、その他を「一般人」としている。このように名付けることや、分けることは、オーストリアでは考えられません。非難の嵐となり、通用しないでしょう。 昔から入場料などを「一般」と「団体」などと表記することはありました。これなら抵抗は感じないのですが、例えば、「女優A子が一般人と結婚」などと報道されているのを聞いたりすると、私は非常にびっくりします。「一般人」とはなんでしょう?いつからこのような表現を日本人はするようになったのでしょう。この表現に対して日本人は何も感じないのでしょうか?  人は皆、価値があるではありませんか?どんな職業をしていても、職業がなくても。

So this is Christmas… クリスマス

Today is Christmas Eve, which is a very important time for most Austrian people. The atmosphere is tranquil and serene. At midnight, many people attend masses in churches. It is very good, that there is such a day, which makes us think about love and peace.      When I hear the song “Happy XMas (War is over)” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono I get the feeling that I want to wish for all the world to be filled with a feeling of peace.

クリスマス イヴです。多くのオーストリア人にとって、とても重要な時です。厳かな静けさにあたりは包まれています。0時の教会のミサに、たくさんの人々が訪れます。このような、愛や平和を考える気持ちになれる日があるのはとてもいいことだと思います。     ジョン レノンとヨーコ オノの「ハッピー クリスマス(戦争は終わった)」を聴く度に、世界中が平和を願う気持ちで満たされることを想わずにいられません。

Baumkuchen from Siebenbürgen at Christmas market in Vienna ウィーンのクリスマス市のジィーベンビュルゲンから来たバウムクーヒェン

Some days ago I wrote about finding sweets being sold as “Baumkuchen” from the Czech Republic. I also wrote about the time I had found a similar “Baumkuchen” close to Piatra Neamt in Romania, where they said it was a Hungarian speciality. Today at a different Christmas market in Vienna I found another stand selling Baumkuchen”. There is a writing saying that this type is called “Sekler Kuchen” from Siebenbürgen. Siebenbürgen is also called Transilvania and used to be part of Hungary but nowadays it is part of Romania. I remember that when I bought this “Baumkuchen” I was told that we were in fact very close to the border of Siebenbürgen/Transilvania.

When we talk about Siebenbürgen, I remember the operetta “Die Csardasfürstin” by Emmerich Kalmán. The role “Csardasfürstin” is a singer and when she makes her first appearance she sings about being a “Siebenbürger Mädel” (girl from Siebenbürgen). Csardas is a famous Hungarian Dance. The name of the role “Csardasfürstin” is Sylva Varescu. The ending -scu of family seems likely to be Romanian. I think that quite clearly shows the historical background of this region.

More than twenty years ago when I started living in Vienna, I attended German language class. In the same class there were some people calling themselves “Siebenbürger”. They said that nowadays Siebenbürgen is Romania but the people there are not Romanians. They were very proud of being from Siebenbürgen.

According to the writing on the stand, the so called “Baumkuchen” being sold in Vienna is actually “Sekler Kuchen”, which is being served at special events, weddings and religious festivities as welcome dish for guests. The shape of “Sekler Kuchen” looks like a horn and symbolizes the intelligence and wits of this people.

I do not know whether this “Baumkuchen” is actually Bohemian or Hungarian but since all those regions were part of the Austrian Empire there might have been cross-influences.

先日、ウィーンのクリスマス市でバウムクーヒェンとして売られているチェコのお菓子があることを書きました。また、数年前、ルーマニアのピアトラ ネアムツ付近の山間部で、同じようなものをハンガリーのお菓子として食べたことにも触れました。今日、ウィーンの違う場所のクリスマス市でバウムクーヒェンとして、このお菓子を売っているお店を見つけました。ここには、これは「セクラー クーヒェン」という、ジィーベンビュルゲンのお菓子である、という説明の看板が掲げられていました。ジィーベンビュルゲンはトランシィルヴァニアのことで、昔はハンガリーの一部でしたが、今日ではルーマニア領となっています。そういえば、ルーマニアでこのお菓子を買った時、すぐ近くにトランシィルヴァニアとの境がある、と聞いたと、思い出しました。

ジィーベンビュルゲンと聞くと、エマーリヒ カルマン作曲のオペレッタ「チャルダッシュの女王」を思い出します。「チャルダッシュの女王」である主人公の歌姫が登場する時、自らを「ジィーベンビュルゲンの娘」と歌うのです。「チャルダッシュ」は有名なハンガリーの踊りです。しかし、この歌姫の名前は「シィルヴァ ヴァレスク」といい、ルーマニアの苗字の最後によくある「スク」となっています。私はここにも、この土地の歴史的背景が見られるように思います。


この、「セクラー クーヒェン」は、お店の看板によると、ジィーベンビュルゲンで、結婚式や、宗教の祭日や、お客さんをもてなす時のためのお菓子ということです。お菓子の形から「角」の意味があり、この民族の賢明さなどを象徴しているようです。


Picture by Yuka Simeno 2019

Oh my beloved little moon! 愛しの小さなお月様!

Austria is officially a Catholic country. That is why Christmas is very important. On the 24th of December almost all shops close around noon. It is quieting down and one can get a serene feeling. Christmas Eve is very important and celebrated. The 25th is Christmas Day and the 26th is “Stefanitag” and both days are public holidays with all shops closed. Therefore one should carefully buy groceries before those days. For these holidays I would like to have a special treat. In one of the bigger supermarkets I looked at the frozen foods section. In Japan there is an “Ice cake” for Christmas Eve, which is a whole cake made of ice cream decorated like a cake. As a child every year I ate this together with my family and I really loved it. In Austria there is no “Ice cake” but I wanted to buy something really good for Christmas and so I found the treat in the picture! It is a regular supermarket but in the frozen foods section there was “Mochi ice cream”! There is even “Daifuku” written on the package. For me this is obviously a copy of “Yukimi Daifuku”, which is ice cream covered with mochi. Mochi is soft and sticky rice dough. The combination with ice cream was a new thing when I was young and it became very popular. I never thought that I could just buy something like this in a regular supermarket in Austria. In order to try it I bought one pack of coconut taste and tasted it. The balls are much smaller than I thought and the package containing 6 pieces costs about 6 Euros which is a little expensive. As the package says, it really is a treat. Yes, it really tastes delicious. I also like the name “Little moons”, because in Japan it is said that in the moon there live rabbits making mochi. Other available flavours are Mango and Strawberry. I suppose Mango is yellow moon and Strawberry is blood moon. My own Christmas treat for this year is already chosen.

オーストリアはカトリックが国の宗教と定められています。ですから、クリスマスはとても大切です。24日はお昼頃にほとんどのお店が閉まり、街は静けさに沈んでいきます。クリスマスイヴはカトリックにとって、とても重要です。25日はクリスマス、26日は聖シュテファヌスの日で、共に祭日で、お店等も休みます。ですから、前もって十分買い物をしておかねばなりません。私は、今年のクリスマスの準備の下見をしに、少し大きめのスーパーに行きました。子供の頃、日本でよく、アイスデコレーショントルテをイヴに家族と共に食べて楽しかった思い出があるので、冷凍コーナーを見てみました。この国にはアイスデコレーショントルテはないのですが、その代わりに特別においしいアイスクリームがあればいいなと思ったのです。そして、この写真のパッケージを発見!MOCHIですって?「大福」とまで書いてある… これは「雪見だいふく」に似せて作られたものですよね?オーストリアの普通のスーパーで、こんなものが売られていようとは!私は感激して、早速ココナッツ味を買って試してみました。思ったより小さくて、大きめの白玉だんごくらい。でも、すごくおいしい!6個入りで約6ユーロ(約700円)は少し高いと思いますが、「ごほうび」とか「特別な日」にうってつけではないでしょうか。それに、”LITTLE MOONS”という命名も素敵。 他にはマンゴー味と木苺味も見ました。マンゴー味は黄色いお月様、木苺味は月蝕の時の赤いお月様を連想します。 我が家のクリスマスの甘いご馳走はこれに決まり!

Picture by Yuka Simeno 2019

Snow in Vienna? ウィーンに雪?

Today in Vienna the lowest temperature was 3 degrees Celcius and the highest temperature was 9 degrees. I am sure that it did not snow today. But why is there some snow at Christmas market in front of city hall? In the lower picture you can see that snow was brought from somewhere to decorate. The building in the picture is Burgtheater (National Theatre).

今日のウィーンの最低気温は摂氏3度、最高気温は摂氏9度。雪なんて降らなかったよね… それなのに何故、市庁舎前のクリスマスの市のお店の前に雪が積もってるの? 下の写真をご覧ください。どこからか雪を持ってきて、ところどころに、あたかも降ったかのように置いているのですね。(向こうの建物は王宮劇場です)

Picture by Yuka Simeno 2019