Invisible injury 見えない傷

View from hotel window at Piatra Neamt, Romania 2012
ホテルの窓からの景色 ルーマニアのピアトラ ネアムツ 2012年

In the winter of 2012, my husband and I had concerts close to Piatra Neamt in Romania. I remember that it was very cold, the streets were covered with snow and it was difficult to walk. We wanted to have some hot drinks in our hotel room. My husband prepared some tea in a cup we had brought with us from Vienna. We chose that cup for travel because it was said to be robust against heat and not made from plastic. Nevertheless when my husband passed the cup with hot tea to me, the cup suddenly burst and boiling water spilled onto my right thigh. I immediately removed my clothes and cooled down that spot in the shower. Unfortunately there was a burn injury which hurt very much. We called our Romanian organizer and she came to our room right away to ask whether we needed an ambulance because it was already quite late in the evening. I wanted to wait and see how it would develop and so she went to the nearest pharmacy to buy some bandages.

The next day there was still strong pain and the burnt spot even had a completely different colour. That day I was supposed to sing an aria from “Die Csardasfürstin” by Emmerich Kalman. Since this region of the concert is close to the operetta’s protagonist’s home, I heard that the audience would be happy to hear that aria. There was an interlude when I was supposed to dance a little. But I was in strong pain and it was impossible for me to sing and dance. The announcer made a statement to the audience that I was injured and they should have understanding which was helpful for me. When I entered the stage, I forgot all about my pain and I could perform. This is a beautiful memory. Even afterwards at the party with the locals, I participated in some Romanian dance with them!

The pain increased however and the next day when we departed, it was difficult for me to walk. We thought that we should call for assisance at Vienna airport to take me to a taxi in a wheelchair. This assistant looked at me and asked what the problem might be. The location of my injury was invisible on the thigh and since I was wearing a long coat, it was completely out of sight. I have a feeling that my pain was difficult to estimate because just from seeing me it was maybe impossible to recognize. That assistant took me in wheelchair a long way to the exit but there was still some distance to the taxi stand. Out of consideration I declined to be taken any further and said goodbye to the assistant. With the help of my husband I walked very slowly to the taxi and the pain was very strong.

The burn mark was quite severe and stayed visible for a long time. But without seeing a doctor, it eventually fully healed and now there is even no more trace of that injury.

2012年の冬、主人と私はルーマニアのピアトラ ネアムツという街の近くでのコンサートに出演しました。とても寒く、通りは雪に覆われていて、歩くのが大変でした。ホテルの部屋で、熱いものを飲もうと思い、ウィーンから持参したカップに主人がお茶を入れてくれました。このカップは、壊れにくく、耐熱だけれどもプラスティックではない、ということで、旅のために購入しました。ところが、主人が私に手渡した時、突如としてカップが炸裂し、熱湯が私の左大腿部にかかったのです。私はすぐに服を脱いで、お湯のかかった部分をシャワーで冷やしました。しかし、火傷は非常に痛くてたまりません。ルーマニア人の企画者に連絡すると、直ちに駆けつけてくれて、すでに夜間だったため、救急車を呼ぼうか、と言ってくれました。私が、少し様子をみてみることに決めたので、企画者の方は薬局で、薬や包帯を買ってきてくれました。




Street vendors in the mountains of Northeast Romania

Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2012 in Romania

Rainy Summer Solstice 雨降りの夏至

Today (21st of June) is the Summer Solstice. In Japan there is also a partial Solar eclipse. Unfortunately here in Vienna this time it cannot be observed. Summer solstice and and a solar eclipse (New moon) on the same day, of which some people say that it could mean that something special might be coming. I do not know, I have limited knowledge. All I can see is that it rains every day. I think this may not be very unusual in Vienna.

Now in Japan it is rain season. Once I spoke to a Japanese friend who used to live in Vienna about rain season in Japan and I said that there is no rain season in Vienna which is nice. She replied that in her opinion there is a slightly rainy period in June here in Vienna. I thought that could indeed be the case. It could be said that now there is a “mini rain season” in Vienna now.

Recently sometimes the rain noise wakes me up during the night. This morning I woke up and was surprised that already around 4 AM the twilight started to illuminate the sky somewhat. Today is New Moon and also rain which means it should be quite dark. However Vienna is at a latitude where the daylight hours in summer are longer. But starting tomorrow, the days will get shorter every day and so maybe I can sleep better.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

Season of cherries さくらんぼの季節

Now is the season for cherries and they are offered at Viennese supermarkets. I think cherries are fruits that are mostly harvested in regions with a cooler climate. In Japan, cherries from Yamagata in northern Japan are well known. Every year, one of my mother’s friends living in the north, sent us a box of Yamagata cherries. They are much lighter in colour than those in the picture above and quite expensive. Since cherries are seasonal fruits, they can only be enjoyed for a short time. I remember that those cherries in the box sparkled like jewels to my eyes.

Austria is situated northerly enough and there are many cherry trees, also in many private gardens of houses and those owners can harvest beautiful cherries from their own trees. But often there are white worms inside the cherries. In Japan, cherries are special delicacies and it is wondrous to me that people can just pick them from their own trees and I had never seen worms in them. Austrian friends said worms are a sign of naturalness and of not using pesticides. If you leave cherries in water overnight, those worms will come out and you can enjoy those cherries worm-free. If you should swallow a worm, that is actually no problem and Austrians say that they consist mostly of protein.

Still to me it is unusual to eat cherries with worms and so for many years I decided not to buy any cherries in Austria. But the cherries are so beautiful and in their season there is the opportunity to buy them at a reasonable price. One time, more than 15 years ago, I gathered the courage and went to a market to buy some cherries. I asked the vendor whether his cherries had worms in them. He replied proudly “none of my cherries have any worms, see for yourself!”. He opened one cherry with his fingers and we both saw a white worm moving inside. Both of us could not speak any more and I left the stand without cherries.

Now in Austria however, there are cherries from many different countries. Recently I bought some from Greece, the ones in the picture above are from Italy. My Austrian husband always tells me that nowadays in supermarkets they don’t sell cherries with worms. And he says” If the unlikely case should occur, who really cares? It is mostly protein!” That is why I started buying cherries in Austria, they all taste quite good, no matter where they come from. Still to this day I need a little courage to eat cherries .





Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

Thoughts about my father 父への想い

Yesterday was Father’s Day. If I had called my father on the phone in Japan, he would have been very happy about it. Sadly, I could not do that because he passed away at old age in 2013.

He was a high school teacher. There were some students who were close to him and every year some of them came our house at New Year to visit, even when he grew older. He gave them a warm welcome and served food and drinks. From a young age, I always had to greet those people or other guests when they arrived and again when they left. I was quite shy and it was hard for me but I think that as a teacher and father he did the right thing.

My father wanted to become a lawyer and studied law at Chuō University in Tokyo. Unfortunately because of the Second World War he could not pass the law exam. He taught poltitics, economics, ethics, world history and Japanese history . At home he used to read a lot and always continued studying. His spirit of studying had a strong impact on me and I really respect it.

He did not only study by himself but also spoke a lot to his family about his studies. Because of my father’s decision, at home it was almost only allowed to watch the news on TV. He always gave critical remarks and an analysis of the news to us. Thereby as a small child I could listen to his words. I could be said that he was teaching his own family every day. Especially during the summer holidays he made plans for me and I had to study all day under his watch.

This diligent motivation for study was well known among his relatives but he was infamous for forcing relatives’ children to study. However I am sure that those relatives did not know my father’s funny side. He was a wonderful teller of fairy tales. About dogs and cats he could invent funny stories and I really liked to listen. Also surely I was the only person who could do insolent things to him. For example combing his hair or sitting on his shoulder (of course as a small child). If relatives had seen that, they would surely have been amazed because my father was known as a strict person.

He lived to be over 90 years old. Sadly he developed dementia late in life and so what he said was no longer fully reasonable. That made me said. But what he taught me, especially ethics and politics, I do value and cherish a lot. Furthermore he was a motivated singer! Over about 80 years old he studied Japanese Noh theater singing. Because I chose the path of specialised classical singer, he spoke for hours about vocal technique. Surley his relatives do not know that. I know that he wishes for me to walk this path ever more deeply and become a good voice teacher.







Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

Newcomers on Mariahilfer street in Vienna ウィーンのマリアヒルファー通りのニューフェイス

Recently on Mariahilfer street in Vienna, I found those two new things. The one above looks rather strange, it is mounted on a fire hydrant. On top there is a solar panel. I did not understand what it is and for many days we talked about its purpose. Today on the internet we found what it is good for! It is a device that sprays fine mist when the temperatures are high in order for people to cool down. It is quite warm in Vienna now and I can hardly wait to see it in action.

The device on the picture below is obviously a trash can. It also wears a solar panel as a “hat”. I understand that it is an automated trash compactor which reduces the size of the waste so that one can put more in it. How fantastic!

Because both feature solar panels I suppose their operation is quite ecological. Devices that are well thought out for the environment are very important. I would like to welcome them to Mariahilfer street and I hope they will do a good job!




Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

People have the power 群衆の力

Now there are many movements against incorrect or unjust circumstances. Even though Coronavirus has not gone away, many people gather to protest. About one year ago, here in Austria there were huge protests because of a problematic video of a political leader . Many people spontaneously gathered one after the other at Hofburg (near government offices) to protest, the voices grew ever louder. This really happened in the city where I live.

Nowadays through the spreading via the internet it is possible to spread information or contacts worldwide. Therefore one could easily think that everything might work like this. Of course the internet makes many things possible but in the end if we want to really move something, people in fact have to gather in person and raise their voices. The power of human crowds is enormous!!



Fashion show of trees 木のファッションショー

When I was very young my family very often visited my father’s house. That house was in Aki city in the Eastern part of Kochi prefecture. Back then there was a streetcar from Kochi city to Aki city. That streetcar was quite slow with many intermediate stops and so the journey time was rather long. But I liked this journey. Because I liked to look out the window! The seats were up against the window and so I was allowed to take off my shoes and sit on the seat looking out the window. Sunny days, rainy days, daytime, nighttime…I saw so many different views from the window and I was never bored.

A highlight of this journey was the ocean view. Kochi city is not far away from the ocean but since my family did not have a car it was rare for me to be able to see the ocean. Approaching Aki city, this streetcar ran close to the ocean. Because I love the ocean I was eagerly awaiting it. When I could catch a glimpse of the ocean throught the trees my heart almost exploded with excitement. On the coast there usually are many pine trees. And to my eyes it looked as though the trees came close to me, slowly turned, and showing their other side said goodbye. When I noticed that, I joyfully said to my mother “Mother, look! Fashion show of trees!”. Then she said to me “The trees are standing still, the streetcar is moving!”. I thought I understood but to my eyes it looked as though the trees were turning and that seemed miraculous.

Even when I take the streetcar right now, I remember the “fashion show of trees”. But to the eyes of my grown up self it does not look like the trees are turning. It is a miracle that back then I could observe it in amazement. Also back then during those journeys the most frightening aspect were the tunnels. Tunnels seemed to me as frightening as the end of the world. I get a warm feeling bacause back then “fashion show of trees” as well as “tunnel” I did experience with the emotions of a child. And I think it is a little bit sad that I no longer have this sense.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, 2019 in Italy

Memories of Kaki 柿の思い出

In the garden of our house in Kochi, there used to be a Kaki tree. When I was a teenager, I used to lie on the couch listening to music and looking at the kaki tree outside. The leaves were such a beautiful green and they gave me a lot of pleasure. In Japan there is a saying that it takes about 8 years for a Kaki tree to bear fruit. This seemed about right concerning our Kaki tree. When I was about the age of University student, our tree started bearing fruits and they were sweet, juicy and quite delicious. Since I attended university in a different city, I always missed the fruit bearing seasons. After graduating from music university, only the could I see the Kaki tree full with fruits, which was quite spectacular. There was a tool in the shape of a rod, which made it possible to remotely and carefully cut off the fruits and harvest them. My parents asked me to harvest Kaki with that tool, but I was not a big help, because I used to laugh a lot. I felt it strange, that some grippping motion occured far away from my hand and I could not stop laughing. Therefore my parents called a boy from the neighbourhood to do it and so he helped my parents every year as long as he was living with his parents. He was a tender boy who loved music and I heard he eventually he went to Kobe to manufacture guitars. About fifteen years ago, my father told me that he was still in his twenties when he died in a car accident. Because he was an only child, I presume that his parents’ pain was surely without limit. Later, they moved away. The Kaki tree grew to be immensely tall and some years ago I has to cut him down in size. It is still alive and always new fresh branches appear from it. I heard that Kaki is an Asian tree. When I came to Vienna for the first time, there were no Kaki sold anywhere. Starting about twenty years ago, Kaki began to be sold in autumn. Also in Italy in supermarkets, I often see Kaki fruits and I see that Italians like to eat ripe Kaki. In Italy there is often Kaki sorbet sold in Ice Cream stores. When I go to Italy in autumn and winter, I look forward to eating that kind of sorbet. There is another memory of Kaki fruits. My Buddhist teacher, Mr. Okamoto, when he was a professor at Sakuyo Music University one time in his room there was a small bowl with Kaki fruits inside. Every time I used to visit his room, there was still one Kaki left in the bowl. One day I worked up courage and said to him “Sensei, you should eat this Kaki or else it will spoil”. Then my teacher said “I will watch that happening”. Maybe he was being philosophical about this Kaki. I remember that this Kaki was in the bowl so long that it could no longer be identified as such. Yet another memory is when my parents were still alive, that although they had harvested all the fruit, the next day there were again fruits on the tree. I doubted my eyes and thought that I must have been dreaming. I asked them where the fruits came from and whether that was at all possible. So they said that they put some Kaki back on the tree as bird food. I thought that was quite funny.

高知の我が家の庭には、柿の木がありました。十代の頃、よく、私はソファに横になり音楽を聴きながら、窓から見える柿の葉を眺めていました。とても綺麗な緑色の葉は、私の大きな喜びでした。   柿の実がなるには8年を要する、といいますよね?正にその通りだったようで、私が大学に入った頃から、柿の木は立派な実をつけるようになりました。私は県外の大学に行ったので、その様子をなかなか見る機会に恵まれませんでした。卒業してから初めて、たわわになった柿の実を見て、感動したものです。両親は、私に、実を採る手伝いをするように言いました。長い棒の先に、細いものを挟む仕掛けがある器具で、手の届かないところになっている実を採るのです。ところが、自分の手元ではなく、ずっと向こうの柿の実のすぐ上を、器具で上手に掴むのはなかなか難しく、集中してやっているうちになんだか可笑しくなってきました。私は思わず笑い始め、しまいにはお腹から大笑いする始末。ついに両親は、私は使い物にならないと、近所の男の子を呼んできて、採ってくれるよう、頼みました。それから毎年、その子が近所に住んでいるうちは、手伝ってくれたようです。音楽が好きな、優しそうな子でした。ギター作りの職人さんの道を選んだとのことで、神戸あたりで就職したようです。  ところが、今から15年ほど前、父から、あの子は交通事故で亡くなった、と聞き、大変驚きました。まだ二十代だったのだろうと思います。一人っ子を、あまりにも若くして亡くしたご両親の悲しみは、測り知れません。その後、どこかへ引っ越していかれました。    柿の木も、大きくなりすぎて、切ることを余儀なくされました。しかし、切り株だけになっても、毎年、元気一杯に小枝が出て、葉がたくさん茂り、とても綺麗です。  柿は東洋の木だと聞きました。私がウィーンに住み始めた頃はまだありませんでしたが、約二十年ぐらい前から、秋、スーパーで柿の実が買えるようになりました。   今、しばしば声楽を学びに行っているイタリアでも、スーパーで柿が売られています。ここでは熟しきった状態の柿の実が好まれているようです。また、アイスクリーム屋さんで、秋から冬にかけ、柿のシャーベットを売っているところがあり、それを食べることが、私がイタリアに行く楽しみの一つです。   柿には他にもいろんな思い出があります。大学生の頃、ある日、今も大変お世話になっている宗教の岡本英夫先生の研究室を訪ねると、机の上の小さな器の中に柿の実がひとつありました。それから何度、先生の研究所を訪ねても、柿がそのままになっている。私はある時、失礼と思いながら、「この柿、どうするんですか?食べられなくなりますよ…」と言いました。すると先生は「どうなるか見とるんじゃ」とおっしゃいました。なにか、難しい、哲学みたいなこと、なさっていらっしゃったのでしょうか… 。 また、他の思い出は、まだ両親が元気だった頃のこと。全ての実を収穫した翌日、ふと柿の木を見ると、また、幾つか実がなっているではありませんか!私は自分の目を疑い、狐につままれたような気分になりました。両親に聞きましたら、お腹を空かせた野鳥のために、採った実を幾つか木の枝に突き刺したり、結びつけたりしたのだということ。可笑しくて、なんとなく心が暖まる思い出です。

Happy Birthday to me! お誕生日おめでとう!

Today is my birthday. Many years ago, exactly at noon my voice came out for the first time in Kochi General Hospital. Back then my mother used to work at this hospital. There she did some accounting work. Since it was noon lunch break, many of her colleagues, being nurses, came by to see me and to congratulate her. My mother often told me this story and I find it to be wonderful. Thank you, I am here and have grown so big.


Picture by Yuka Simeno

Friendship concert 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria in Kochi, Japan

日本 オーストリア 友好150年 記念コンサート

毎年10月、ウィーンの日本大使館で、私の出身の作陽音楽大学で宗教の授業を受け持っておられました岡本英夫先生が、「日本文化と宗教」という題で講演会をなさっています。その際、私も、神道や仏教に関わりがあると思える日本歌曲を数曲演奏させていただいております。  今年は、日本とオーストリア両国が友好関係を築いて150年で、それをお祝いするたくさんの催しが企画されています。私も、オーストリアに人生の半分以上住んでおりますし、この機会に、何らかの形でお祝いをしたいと思いました。ウィーンで、日本の宗教を背景とした文化を紹介させていただいておりますので、日本では、オーストリアで一番大きな宗教であるキリスト教の教会で演奏させていただくことになりました。  ヨーロッパは、キリスト教の、大変長い歴史があります。そのため、人々の考え方や、習慣、祭日、文化、その他などが、キリスト教と深く結びついていると思います。教会の中でコンサートをすることによって、ヨーロッパの雰囲気を、お客様に感じていただけたら、と思います。