Barana ? バラナ?

When I was very young, I always used to say “Barana” instead of “Banana”. One day I noticed that everyone was calling it “Banana” and when I understood that it was really actually called “Banana” I was very shocked. I thought “Why did nobody ever correct me? I always said Barana, how embarrassing!”. Maybe people thought that since I was so young it did not matter that I mispronounced it. However the shock for me was so great and I had a feeling that adults could not be trusted. For me, that was a “betrayal”. Maybe that was a phase in terms of children’s psychology which held some meaning. Also adults did not want to deceive me, now I think that it is  not easy to teach a child something. If one asks too much and precision of children, that might be too much for them. Right timing and right amount in terms of teaching children is difficult I suppose.

When I was about 18 years old, during harmless gossip with some friends, one of them said “Temochi butasa”. Another one noticed and said “That is actually called “Temochi busata”. However the one who mispronounced it, could not believe it because all her life up to that point she had always said “Temochi butasa” and nobody ever corrected her. We could see this was a huge shock to her and she was really discouraged. In Japanese “Temochi busata” means being in a state of boredom without something to do. Her mistake “Temochi butasa” included “Buta”, which means pig. I can imagine how ashamed she felt. Growing older, it is difficult to correct other people’s mistakes, because  of politeness and thinking about their feelings. I think if social circumstances etc. permit it, then choosing good timing and conveying the correct expression in a tender manner could be better.

Picture by Yuka Simeno, This is my favourite gorilla “Chocomuffin (but I call her “Gorichan”)” with my handmade  doll “Laura”.



撮影 示野由佳 、大好きなゴリラ「チョコマフィン(ちょっと長いので、いつもつい、ゴリちゃんと呼んでしまいます)」と私が作った人形「ローラ」