Happy Birthday to me! お誕生日おめでとう!

Today is my birthday. Many years ago, exactly at noon my voice came out for the first time in Kochi General Hospital. Back then my mother used to work at this hospital. There she did some accounting work. Since it was noon lunch break, many of her colleagues, being nurses, came by to see me and to congratulate her. My mother often told me this story and I find it to be wonderful. Thank you, I am here and have grown so big.


Picture by Yuka Simeno

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats August 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 8月

Water Yo-yo (from the series “Yukata Girls”).

Water Yo-yo is a typical toy for Summer in Japan. That is a small balloon filled with a little bit of water, bound to one finger with a rubber strap, and can be bounced up and down. While playing, the sound of water splashing inside the balloon can be heard which is enrtaining. I prefer watching it over actually playing with it. Colours and patterns of water yo-yos are so many and quite beautiful. Often at summer street festivals there are some yo-yos floating on water in order to be sold. When I was little, in front of a department store in my home town, there was a man selling water yo-yos on the street. It was a great pleasure to see many yo-yos with many different colours floating on the water. When my parents bought one for me, my happiness was limitless. I remember walking between my father and mother and sometime I wanted to hold their hands, lifting my feet up in the air. Yes I was really young and I remember it with a smile on my face.

小さかった頃、故郷高知の或るデパート前の道端で、ヨーヨーが売られていることがありました。銀色の大きくて浅い水槽の中に浮かぶ色とりどりのヨーヨー… ひとつでも買ってもらえた時は、この上なく嬉しかったです。お街に出る日は特別な感じがして、うきうき気分。片手を父、もう片手を母と繋ぎ、3人で歩いている最中に、ぐっと両手に力を入れます。そして両膝を折り曲げ、足を地面から離して、父と母の間にぶらさがるのが面白くてたまりませんでした。本当に私は小さかったんだなあ、と思い出すと笑ってしまいます。とても幸せな思い出です。   シリーズ「浴衣ガールズ」より

Friendship concert 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria in Kochi, Japan

日本 オーストリア 友好150年 記念コンサート

毎年10月、ウィーンの日本大使館で、私の出身の作陽音楽大学で宗教の授業を受け持っておられました岡本英夫先生が、「日本文化と宗教」という題で講演会をなさっています。その際、私も、神道や仏教に関わりがあると思える日本歌曲を数曲演奏させていただいております。  今年は、日本とオーストリア両国が友好関係を築いて150年で、それをお祝いするたくさんの催しが企画されています。私も、オーストリアに人生の半分以上住んでおりますし、この機会に、何らかの形でお祝いをしたいと思いました。ウィーンで、日本の宗教を背景とした文化を紹介させていただいておりますので、日本では、オーストリアで一番大きな宗教であるキリスト教の教会で演奏させていただくことになりました。  ヨーロッパは、キリスト教の、大変長い歴史があります。そのため、人々の考え方や、習慣、祭日、文化、その他などが、キリスト教と深く結びついていると思います。教会の中でコンサートをすることによって、ヨーロッパの雰囲気を、お客様に感じていただけたら、と思います。

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juli 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 7月

No matter whether I am sad or feeling lonely, she takes me to an island which gives me peace and hope. I get a feeling that I can hear the sound of the ocean together with her. From the series “Island Girls”.

悲しい日も、孤独な日も、この子は私を、和と希望に溢れる島に連れて行ってくれます。この子と一緒に、海の音を聞いているような気持ちになります。    シリーズ「アイランド ガールズ」より

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juni 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 6月

She is regarded as naughty. She is thinking about which prank to do. But in reality she wants to make people laugh and she is a purveyor of peace. (Sold)


Haru no tera Yuka Simeno 春の寺 示野由佳 Temple in Spring


Yuka Simeno – Soprano 示野由佳 ソプラノ   Hina Oono – Piano 大野日菜 ピアノ     Osamu Shimizu – Composer 清水脩 作曲       Saisei Murou – Lyrics 室生犀星 作詞     Taken from the CD “Japanese Songs” – Journey of the Japanese Heart (2018) CD「日本の心の旅」(2018年発表)より

It is Spring, cherries are blossoming fully. The world is filled with the splendor of life. In the beautiful garden of a Japanese Buddhist temple children are playing quietly. Temple bells are ringing to support and affirm human life.

Friendship concert 150 years Austria-Japan オーストリアー日本友好150年記念コンサート

2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the beginning of diplomatic relations between Austria and Japan. There are many and diverse events to commemorate this anniversary. I came to Austria a long time ago in order to study classical singing. In the meantime I have gotten married and my husband is Austrian. My husband and I would like to contribute to this anniversary as well. June 1st (starting from 17:00) we shall perform a concert featuring works by Austrian and Japanese composers at the historic “Club der Wiener Musikerinnen”. That is a historic organisation, founded by Rosa Lutz, one of Brahms’ students, in 1886. This organisation was featured in my essay series, which was published in Kochi newspaper (see article above) in February 18, 2010.
