Every single life is important 全ての命は大切

Today is March 11th. 9 Years ago in my home country Japan an unbelieveable tragedy happened. I was in Vienna at that time and was deeply troubled by the news which came in. We should never forget this catastrophe and we should continually think of the victims and all the ensuing difficulties and problems. I truly believe every single life is so important. It came to my attention that today around 2:46 PM (the time of the big earthquake which happend in 2011) at the Memorial Park in Miyagi prefecture there was a huge rainbow visible. For me this is symbolic and incited the feeling in me even stronger not to forget this tragedy.

The world is in fear of a looming global situation of the corona virus. Sadly, many people have passed away and are infected. Today the WHO rated it as a global pandemic, which is extremely serious. I heard that someone made sweets in the shape of the corona virus. I do not know, what the intention and purpose of this was, but one should never be careless. If this was indeed a joke or thoughtless, this should not be done. We should always cherish every single life as immensely important.

今日は3月11日。9年前の今日、私の祖国に、大変なことが起こりました。私はウィーンにいて、次から次へと入ってくる信じがたいニュースに、呆然とするばかりでした。私たちは決してこの震災のこと、犠牲になった方々、そして、このことによって生じた困難や問題を忘れてはいけません。全ての命は大切だと、心から思います。  今日、9年前に地震が起こった午後2時46分頃、宮城県の震災メモリアム公園上空に大きな虹がかかったということを聞きました。何かを示唆しているように私には受け止められ、この震災を決して忘れまいと、より強く心に思いました。
