Waiting for Spring 春を待ち望む

This past Autumn, in a street I often pass by, I noticed something new being constructed. Both border parts of the sidewalk were separated from the rest and filled with pebble stones. I was so curious what would become of this and thought that some dogs might use it as a “relief point” and indeed I saw proof of this. The next day, as if to say that that was not the true purpose, small fences around those areas were erected. Those poor dogs were too early in their celebration. I thought that the fenced part could be like a decorative part like a small Japanese pebble garden.

About one month ago, through the window of a bus passing by, I saw a man working inside those fenced areas. My curiosity was awakened and the next time I passed by I was quite surprised. Then I could see what the man had done there. Trees and plants were inserted. I did not know that such activity could be done during cold season. Trees are bare and the small plants on the bottom look almost withered. It looks so natural as if those flowerbeds had been around for a long time and now in their Winter state. In reality those plants in a hibernation state were carefully brought and inserted here. When those plants awaken in Spring, maybe it will be a surprise and they will ask “where are we?”. I had not known about this method of planting before and I was surprised and quite happy about it. Which flowers and plants are they? What kind of trees are they? I look forward to them sending me first signs and them blossoming fully.



Pictures December 2021 in Vienna