Bully cat? Cat world 意地悪猫?猫の世界

Sandals are meant to be worn one on each foot!

Previously I have mentioned that now my husband and I are taking care of seven cats. Those cats belong to a boy and his family, whom we are friends with, and they are on vacation right now. I have also mentioned that there are stronger cats and weaker cats. One of them is very much a bully and bosses the weakest one around. Is this really so?

These cats were all stray cats living on the street. In the counryside where the family now is spending their holiday, the boy found some cats over time and took them back to Vienna. Why were they stray cats? Maybe they ran away, were born on the streets, were thrown out in the streets… I do not know exactly the reasons but of one thing I am sure. Had they continued living on the streets, many of them would be dead by now. Especially the smallest weakest ones I don’t believe that they would have the power to survive. On the other hand, the bigger and stronger cats might have survived on the street. Presumably in nature that is the way to survive. To my eyes it may look like being a bully but I think it is the natural animal instinct. Bully cat maybe does not understand that I am scolding him for being brutal towards weaker cats. It might be said that he is living in cat world and I can not judge them with human thoughts.

Nevertheless, they are living in an apartment. Thanks to the family’s understanding they can live well cared for and survive. They must also live together with humans. And so we shall try to get closer and try to live comfortably.


この猫たちはみんな野良でした。今、男の子と家族が休暇を過ごしている田舎で、いろんな時期に彼が見つけて、ウィーンに連れてきました。どうしてこの猫たちは野良だったのでしょう?家から逃げたのか、野良として生まれたのか、捨てられたのか… 理由はわかりませんが、ひとつだけはっきり言えそうです。もし野良のままだったら、みんながみんな生き残ってはいなかっただろう、ということです。特に、体格が一番小さい猫は、生き残る力はなかっただろうと思います。しかし、大きくて強い猫は、野良でもやっていけそうです。自然の中で生き残る、とはこういうことではないでしょうか。私の目には意地悪に見えても、自然の動物の本能と考えられそうです。意地悪猫は、私に弱い者いじめを咎められても、理解できないかもしれません。猫は猫の世界に生きていて、それを私が人間の視点で判断することには無理があると思います。
