People have the power 群衆の力

Now there are many movements against incorrect or unjust circumstances. Even though Coronavirus has not gone away, many people gather to protest. About one year ago, here in Austria there were huge protests because of a problematic video of a political leader . Many people spontaneously gathered one after the other at Hofburg (near government offices) to protest, the voices grew ever louder. This really happened in the city where I live.

Nowadays through the spreading via the internet it is possible to spread information or contacts worldwide. Therefore one could easily think that everything might work like this. Of course the internet makes many things possible but in the end if we want to really move something, people in fact have to gather in person and raise their voices. The power of human crowds is enormous!!



Fashion show of trees 木のファッションショー

When I was very young my family very often visited my father’s house. That house was in Aki city in the Eastern part of Kochi prefecture. Back then there was a streetcar from Kochi city to Aki city. That streetcar was quite slow with many intermediate stops and so the journey time was rather long. But I liked this journey. Because I liked to look out the window! The seats were up against the window and so I was allowed to take off my shoes and sit on the seat looking out the window. Sunny days, rainy days, daytime, nighttime…I saw so many different views from the window and I was never bored.

A highlight of this journey was the ocean view. Kochi city is not far away from the ocean but since my family did not have a car it was rare for me to be able to see the ocean. Approaching Aki city, this streetcar ran close to the ocean. Because I love the ocean I was eagerly awaiting it. When I could catch a glimpse of the ocean throught the trees my heart almost exploded with excitement. On the coast there usually are many pine trees. And to my eyes it looked as though the trees came close to me, slowly turned, and showing their other side said goodbye. When I noticed that, I joyfully said to my mother “Mother, look! Fashion show of trees!”. Then she said to me “The trees are standing still, the streetcar is moving!”. I thought I understood but to my eyes it looked as though the trees were turning and that seemed miraculous.

Even when I take the streetcar right now, I remember the “fashion show of trees”. But to the eyes of my grown up self it does not look like the trees are turning. It is a miracle that back then I could observe it in amazement. Also back then during those journeys the most frightening aspect were the tunnels. Tunnels seemed to me as frightening as the end of the world. I get a warm feeling bacause back then “fashion show of trees” as well as “tunnel” I did experience with the emotions of a child. And I think it is a little bit sad that I no longer have this sense.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, 2019 in Italy

Like a mermaid 人魚のように

During dinner I like to watch TV. Recently I noticed that TV programs almost always feature shows with criminal contents. I can say that I am in fact a cautiously fearful person and even cannot stand seeing my own blood and when I get an injection I turn my head to the other side crunching my teeth. If I am directly affected by something, even a small injection, often I am able to react. Such a self can watch dead people while having dinner. Since when have I become such a cold hearted person? Do I no longer feel other people’s pain? Then I remembered a scene from a film.

In this film the main character is a mermaid turned human. She watches TV for the first time. She just saw a tragic scene in a film and she is shocked, shows a lot of compassion and starts crying. Her human friend, a man, calms and consoles her by explaining that this violence on TV was not real and in fact just acted.

Nowadays we are overwhelmed by films, TV shows, etc. depicting accidents, violence, and many dead people in everyday life. Also because of the news, the internet, etc. every day we are touched by reports about accidents, violent crimes, etc. I think if we have too close contact with tragedy then over time we lose human feelings such as fear or compassion. This aspect should be considered in the development and production of media so that it does not become too overwhelming.

Of course watching dramas, films, art, etc. enriches our lives and it is good to be informed about the world. Nevertheless I think those who offer and those who receive, like the mermaid having just become human, should not lose our naive and natural hearts and compassion.





Picture by Yuka Simeo, April 2020 in Vienna

Trashcans in the city of Vienna ウィーンの街中のゴミ箱

Ducks as well as humans facing the sun and relaxing.

Vienna is a beautiful city. There are so many historic buildings, monuments and also many different styles of architecture such as Baroque, Biedermeier, Jugendstil, etc. In the city there are also nice parks with lots of green. Those people who like taking pictures will surely be happy about this. Personally I do not overly enjoy taking pictures but because there are so many beautiful and interesting things exist in Vienna, I get strong motivation to take pictures with my smartphone camera. Thereby the duration of my walks gets much longer than originally planned. Since Vienna has so much to offer, everyone can easily find their own personal favourite photo object. I noticed however that it is indeed difficult to avoid trashcans being in the picture! I have to say that there are really many many trashcans in Vienna. That may be one reason why the city stays so clean and I must think about those people attending to those trashcans doing a very good job and so I get a feeling of gratitude. It may be a difficult to completely avoid having a trashcan in the picture but I think it should remain like this.

In my homecountry Japan on the other hand there are very few trashcans on the street. When I am in Japan I find it unfamiliar in this respect. Also my Austrian husband sometimes complains that one must make an effort to look for a trashcan. That does not mean Japanese streets are dirty. I believe there are roughly two reasons for the limited number of trashcans on the street. First, because of terrorism. I think like this because of an Austrian friend’s opinion. Shortly after the gas attack in the Tokyo subway she visited a friend in Tokyo. Together with that friend she went to an open air festival and had some street food takeaway. Then they found nowhere to put the trash and carried it around all the time. That Japanese friend of hers noticed the decreased number of trashcans. After that terror attack it was meant to prevent dangerous substances from being hidden there. Second, strict separation of garbage. Nowadays in many countries garbage is separated for recycling such as plastic, paper, metal, etc. and this is a sensible thing to do. Also in Japan there are rules how to separate garbage and this is good. Since the introduction of strict rules the disposal of household waste has become quite complicated. There are specific weekdays for specific items starting in the early morning until about 8:30 AM and the waste has to be put in a special place in the neighbourhood. Incombustibles and incompatible waste can only be disposed of once a month. If you sleep too long you cannot throw out the garbage! Also people like us who cannot return home for a long time have to make a plan when to throw out the last trash because there must not be anything left when we leave. This is one thing that makes a stay in Japan more difficult every time. I suppose not only for myself but any people think it is strenuous or they missed the deadline and so they started throwing away their household trash in public places. Maybe to avoid this, many public trashcans were removed.

Eevery country has its own system of waste disposal. I think each country should try to diminish pollution of the environment as much as possible. Personally in Austia I have less stress in disposing of my waste which is quite agreeable to me.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

Awakening back to normality in Vienna 戻りつつあるウィーンの日常

Finally those seating things are here.
Museumsquartier is a popular culture and meeting spot in Vienna.
Colourful flowers announcing the arrival of summer.
Time to relax in Volksgarten.