Gradus ad Parnassum グラドゥス アド パルナッスム

Due to coronavirus related travel restrictions I still cannot go to Italy to my voice teacher. But I still have the previous recordings of my lessons with her and so I can nevertheless learn a lot. At home I kept trying to understand those lessons and kept trying over and over again. I have noticed that recently I can sing the way I want to express myself. I am so happy and want to continue on this path. I give thanks to my voice teacher and look forward to seeing her again soon.

Classical singing, which I am specialising in, truly is a precious art. Everyone can sing somehow but there is only one right way to master this art. That can only be studied with a good teacher. I can say that everything that I have experienced, also with all previous teachers, has supported my path. I am very grateful for that. My path is not straight, there have been many detours and obstacles but I want to believe that all of it has value. In the future I would like to convey the best and most correct to others through my experiences.

When I was a juniorhigh school pupil , I studied piano siries “Children’s corner” by Claude Debussy. The title of the first piece is “Gradus ad Parnassum” and my piano teacher commended me for playing this piece very well, which made me very happy. I heard that this title “Gradus ad Parnassum” means a difficult path which has to be followed anyway. I find it amusing that Debussy chose this title for the first piece in “Children’s corner”. I grew from this children’s corner and now have reached an age when I can look back at the path to Parnassus but I am still continuing on it.



中学生の頃、ドビュッシー作曲のピアノ組曲「子供の領分」を習いました。第1曲目は「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」という題名で、ピアノの先生が非常に上手に弾けている、と褒めてくださったことがとても嬉しかったです。この「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」は、通らねばならない難しい道を示している、と聞きました。ドビュッシーが「子供の領分」の第1曲にこの題名を選んだことを、とても面白く思います。私は、「子供の領分」から育ち、「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」を振り返ることのできる年齢になりましたが、今も変わらずその道を歩んでいます。

Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna