For Mother’s Day 母の日に

Today is Mother’s Day. I can neither see nor wish her the best because sadly my mother passed away in 2011. Every day I think about her. She was gentle, funny and this may be strange coming from me but she was very beautiful. She also loved animals and all animals took to her warm-hearted aura. Not only animals but also for people I think she had a good influence, above all for me. I really love my mother. She loved her only child much, cared for it and she was an ideal mother to me. We never fought and always had fun together, sang together and we were always enveloped in an amusing aura. Sometimes there are people where mothers and daughters fight or are rivals and this is shocking to me. I am very grateful for my mother and that I could have such a good relationship with her.

When I was little I could not imagine that children could exist without a mother. In Japan there is a custom that children offer red Carnations as present on Mother’s Day. Only in the second or third year of primary school, a playmate said to me that on Mother’s Day those children without mothers offer white Carnations for their mother’s graves. Then I was quite shocked and became very sad. In the fourth year of primary school there was a girl growing up without a mother. She was a nice person and I liked her very much. Some children however talked bad things behind her back because she had no mother. All of my classmates were quite gentle and I could not believe that they would say such things. I think the adults in their families said those things.

My mother used to work in accounting at a primary school. In Japanese primary schools, there is a warm lunch provided for the children. There was a movement by some mothers who were of the opinion that school lunch was not adequate and that children should have lunch prepared by their mothers instead. There were some trials to see whether that would work. My mother told us at home that that idea of that movement may have been well intentioned but she felt sorry that some children without mothers could not bring any lunch.

On this Mother’s day today, people think of their mothers and there are surely different feelings, good and bad, etc. I just hope that young children in school do not experience disadvantage or sad feeling because of their mothers. I think that adults should carefully think about what they say and do in order to prevent children from being in such a situation. I think that we should always learn that there are different kinds of people and we should strive not to be intolerant.





Picture by Yuka Simeno, April 2020 in Stadtpark,Vienna