Baumkuchen at a Christmas market in Vienna ウィーンのクリスマス市のバウムクーヒェン

About 10 years ago, I started noticing that there was “Baumkuchen” being sold at Christmas markets in Vienna. Possibly it was a new thing back then. This “Baumkuchen” however is different from what I had known in Japan as Baumkuchen. Have a look at the pictures above. First dough is wrapped around a long cylinder, it is then baked and spices are added to the outside. What you see above is a slightly smaller version, I also know bigger size versions. If you eat it hot and fresh, it tastes heavenly. I really like eating it on a cold day like today. This stand sells it as “Trdelnik” and there is a sign saying it is a Czech speciality. The “Baumkuchen” which is famous in Japan is most likely, as the name suggests, from Germany.

About 7 years ago in Romania I saw this kind of Baumkuchen (like the one here in Vienna) and ate it there. I had a concert together with my husband in a city close to Piatra Neamt and afterwards the mayor took us together with our Romanian manager to a sightseeing spot with his private car. That is in the mountains and steep rocks were quite impressive. There was a lake called “Red Lake”, because there is iron in the rocks and that red colour comes out of them. It was December, very cold, and the lake was covered with ice. Close to the lake there were some souvenir stands. There I saw one stand which sold that kind of “Baumkuchen” made fresh. The mayor wanted to take away several Baumkuchen and we had to wait a little. The mayor said that he supposed this Baumkuchen came from Hungary. While we were waiting, a street dog came, sat in front of us and looked at us with a hot look. The sweet smell of freshly prepared Baumkuchen lingered in the air and it was not only tempting for me but also for this dog. The mayor received hot fresh Baukuchen wrapped in plastic and we had to go back to the car. I wanted to suggest giving a small piece to the dog but of course I could not say anything.


7年ほど前、このウィーンのクリスマス市のバウムクーヒェンを、ルーマニアで食べたことがあります。ピアトラ ネアムツという街の近くでのコンサートに主人と二人で出演後、この土地の市長さんが、私たちとルーマニア人のマネージャーを、観光に連れていってくださいました。険しい岩の間の山道を、市長さん自らが運転する車で走り、「赤い湖」を観に行きました。土地が鉄分を含んでいるため、湖の水が赤くなるのだそうです。丁度、今頃の季節で、とても寒く、湖は氷でとざされていました。近くには観光客のため、いくつか、お土産などを売る屋台がありました。そのひとつが、バウムクーヒェンを焼きながら売っていたのです。市長さんは、これはハンガリーのお菓子だ、とおっしゃっていました。彼はいくつか持ち帰るため、注文をしたので、私たちは焼き上がるまで暫く待っていました。その時、待っていました、とばかりに1匹の野良犬がやってきて、私たちの前に座ったのです。そして熱いおねだりの眼差しで私たちをじっと見上げていました。バウムクーヒェンが焼ける、甘い香りが辺りに漂い、私だけでなく、犬にも、耐えがたい魅惑だったことでしょう。市長さんはビニール袋に入った焼きたてのバウムクーヒェンを受け取り、車へと急ぎました。「市長さん、この犬にひとくち…」と言い出せないままだったことが悔やまれます。

Picture by Yuka Simeno 2019