Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Mai 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 5月

Today is May 1st and this is the “Day of Labour”. Here in Austria it is a public holiday. Today her father is home and she is very happy. In the evening they are going to the opera together. Daddy is always very busy and it is not often that they can do that. Today there is a performance of “Aida” and she heard that it is a story from ancient Egypt. She will get dressed up and is very excited…

今日は5月1日。「労働者の日(メイ ディ)」で、ここ、オーストリアでは祭日です。この子はお父さんがお家にいるのでとても嬉しいです。今夜、二人は一緒にオペラに行きます。お父さんはいつもとても忙しいので、久しぶりです。演目は「アイーダ」。昔のエジプトのお話だそうです。この子はおしゃれをして、わくわくしています。

Photo by Yuka Simeno